Médicos Especialistas


Dr. Alejandro Ríos Ramírez
Médico Intensivista, Neumólogo e Internista. El Dr. Alejandro Ríos Ramírez originario de Chihuahua nace el 17 de noviembre de 1966;  Se gradúa de la carrera de medicina por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua en 1985; posteriormente viaja al extranjero a realizar un año de investigación en el Hospital Metodista de Houston; Decide mudarse a Chicago donde  hace la especialidad de medicina interna, después   las de neumología, terapia intensiva y sueño, todas en la Universidad de Illinois. Como parte de su educación médica continua,  asiste a los congresos anuales del CHEST, del ATS de la Sociedad Torácica Americana y al congreso de terapia intensiva; es miembro de la Sociedad de Médicos Intensivista de Jalisco y de la Sociedad Mexicana de Terapia Intensiva. Una vez terminadas sus especialidades  se muda a Vallarta en el año 2000, Actualmente, se desempeña como jefe del departamento de urgencias y terapia intensiva del hospital San Javier Marina, y del Hospital San Javier Riviera, Es maestro del Centro Universitario de la Costa de la cátedra de Propedéutica y Neumología;  Gran parte de su práctica es altruista, ofreciendo sus servicios a pacientes derivados del Hospital Regional, o a pacientes de bajos recursos a los que les ofrece sus servicios sin costo alguno; Su mayor satisfacción como médico es contribuir en la recuperación del paciente y que este, se reincorpore de nuevo con su familia. Siendo su pasión la terapia intensiva, tiene guardia permanente y siempre está dispuesto a brindar sus servicios a quienes los requieran.
Dr. Alejandro Ríos Ramírez
Intensivist physician, pulmonologist and internist. Dr. Alejandro Rios Ramirez originally from Chihuahua was born on November 17th, 1966; Graduated in medicine by the University Autonoma of Chihuahua in 1985; later travels abroad to perform one year of research at the Methodist Hospital in Houston; He decides to move to Chicago where he makes the specialty of internal medicine, then the Pneumology, intensive therapy and sleep, all at the University of Illinois. As part of his continuing medical education, attends the annual congresses of CHEST by the ATS, the American Thoracic Society and the Congress of intensive Therapy; He is a member of the society of Intensivist Physicians from Jalisco and the Mexican society of Intensive Therapy. Once he finished his specialties he moved to Vallarta in 2000, and currently serves as head of the Department of emergency and intensive care of the hospital San Javier Marina, and Hospital San Javier Riviera, he teaches at the Centro Universitario de la Costa, the faculty of Propedeutic and Pneumology. Much of his practice is magnanimous, offering his services to patients from the Regional Hospital, or low-income patients, offering them his services free of charge. His greatest satisfaction as a physician is to contribute to the recovery of the patient, helping him reincorporate again with his family. Being intensive therapy his passion, he has permanent guard and is always ready to offer his services to those who need them.
Dr. Alejandro Rios
Tel. (322) 226 1010 ext. 225
Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio 2760
Col. Zona Hotelera Norte, Pto. Vallarta, Jal.

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